Our Rural BPO initiative aims to develop and train rural youth especially women and specially abled, make them Industry ready with relevant Skills and competencies that enable them to ensure sustainable employment and income generation for these marginalized and asset-less rural underprivileged youth across sectors and across the country.. With our operational Rural BPO centres, we aim take employment opportunities to their doorsteps with an aim to :

Reduce inequality within and amongst rural & urban: BPOs in India are mostly in metro cities and the rest of India has been left behind in this revolution of employment. Rural BPO has generated hope and has given opportunity to the rural youth who are 12th pass, rural women and girls who are unable to move out to cities due to the social compulsions.

Create value for rural women: Rural BPO empowers socially & economically left behind women and girls who are considered to be doing only household work. This initiative has made them to be key resource person in their home and locality. Rural BPO Centers helps rural women to economically support their family, which brings a positive change in the family members and these women are valued and respected by their family & society.

Create sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth: Rural BPO has generated a new energy and enthusiasm in rural youth, which has led for more of such people to join the BPO center. This initiative has brought new set of sustainable income generation in rural areas on India

Make CSR as part of the core business: Talent Foundation is expanding these initiatives at business level and it has now taken up the projects in collaboration with corporates for its sustainability and growth.

We have created an eco-system of building relevant competency among them and make them industry ready. This is backed by letting the companies know about the industry ready talent pool’s availability which can be productive for them from day one. With low cost availability and no attrition, this approach of ours has received very encouraging response from many organizations. We understand, the consumer / customer touch points of a business generate experiences which build the business brand. Such touch points are drivers / managers of business and thus a high volume and high cost domain with need of consistent quality and efficiency. BPO segment handles inbound and outbound touch points for business. Such operations need capability in skill, staffing, quality infra and intelligent technology uses. We possess a potential to deliver the same to our Clients.

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